I started this page because of the great frustration of reading a really good fanfic and all of a sudden the author
stops writing and you're like 'What the hell? That was good.' Most of the time the reason for the stoppage is that life
sucks and the author just doesn't have time anymore to write. (I know that feeling) The fic dies and never gets finished.
There are a lot of talented authors out there and if a fic is good enough it really should be finished just for the
creative side of things.

I personally don't have the time to write every fanfic that I get submitted here, that's not the point of this site.
The purpose of this site is to link authors with other writers to get the job done.

If you've got a fic and you're in the situation of not having time to finish it because of work, severe writers block, or
lack of talent send what you've written in or just your outline along with your e-mail address where the other writers
can contact you at to set something up.